Wednesday 15 December 2010

Was 'Dexter' Ever Good? Series 5 Analysis

Yet another tension-free episode of Dexter - this time: the 'season-finale' - which was so warm, self-congratulatory, and inclusive, that once it ended, I hugged the cats that were attendant...then I went and hugged my neighbours...then I hugged all those I found on the street...

So Dexter crawls out the crashed car, is immediately captured by 'Johnny' (Lee Miller), tied up, and put in the basement.
Johnny talks to him for about a minute - sans any tension, or anything else that could be accused of being interesting - then Dexter gets loose with the aid of a miraculously (and unexplained) hidden knife, and captures him. Ho ho ho...colour me impressed!
I really got into the mood of this scene, I tell ya' what: I was utterly compelled to watch, and really feared for the hero (Dexter); shit got raw!!!

Except it didn't.
It was so utterly serene, and 'plain sailing', that you would feel more if you took novocaine, and had your wisdom teeth removed - just how drama should be, right, fellow sufferers?

Then, after 'Deb' catches Dexter and Skank-face from Ten Things I Hate About You (but only not really, because they're behind a curtain) and lets them go - because, with the minimum of effort on the part of the writers/programme-makers, the sub-plot that 'Deb' had sympathy for Skank-face had previously been birthed like a premature baby, and similarly barely clung to life...where was I?
Oh yeah: so 'Deb' lets them go because she went through the same thing in the first series, when she was almost killed by yet another serial killer, too...although a revolutionary method of television-programme-making was attempted in this series:

instead of using acting, and words, and cameras, to convey the emotional journey someone goes on, so that when they do something extreme at the end, you understand why - they decided to do the opposite, and just get the viewer to 'fill in the blanks'.
Who even needs the middle of TV shows, right? - Let's just have a beginning and end - YAY!!

So anyway (at long last): after 'Deb' lets the turds slide, Dexter realises he can feel (*sob*), so he fakes the lab tests on 'Quinn', so he can also slide; BapTaster and his wife agree to a heart-warming 'fresh start'; and everyone gets together for a celebratory circle-jerk at a kids' birthday party. YAAAAAAYYY!!!

Fuck me...

Since when was drama synonymous with delusional, self-congratulatory, un-dramatic, inclusive, repetitive, un-dramatic (yes: I said it twice), idiotic flights-of-fancy, where things happen without appropriate context, or justification?
This is the opposite of drama: it's calm. It should be called a 'calm' - not a 'drama'.

Here's a 'cut out and keep' guide to every series of Dexter:

There is a serial killer in Miami. Dexter wants to catch him and kill him before the police catch him.
He is also going through issues about who he is, because he's a serial killer himself, and doesn't know how to deal with shit - like his personal life, because idiot viewers can relate to a mongoloid with a generic personal life.
But wait: 'Deb', a generic TV show character - in sharp contrast to Dexter, of course, who is meant to epitomise the antithesis of this - is stealing screentime by doing the same thing - every series: 'falling in love' with some man or other, and expecting viewers to actually enjoy seeing the same 'I've got issues; why won't a man love me?' schtick, year after God-foresaken year...
You can also expect somebody to be suspicious of Dexter, but nothing to ever come of it due to some imbecilic Deus ex Machina or other, like a murderer he just so happens to have accidentally become friends with killing the person who suspects him...

Oh yeah: 1. Where the fuck was Ghost-Dad in this series? and 2. Why did Dexter, whose entire life is based around a code of ethics precluding him from killing anyone who isn't a murderer, just casually murder a man - 'Liddy': the cunt who surveilled and captured him at the arse-end of this last series - without a second thought, or any mention of this at a later date? Pathetic.

I've seen less neatly tied-up, happy endings in fucking Disney movies.
What a joke.

'I don't see any other way out...he's gotta be stopped.'

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