Tuesday 5 October 2010

'The X Factor'

Today I would like to give my thoughts on the yearly outrage that befalls the UK: 'The X Factor'.

'faecal material'

Due to the unflinching, unwavering, unflagging - unstinting - support, and attention given to this hideousness, year after year, I am moved to comment, that I might improve my disposition some, having done so, as one does after the passing of a kidney stone, or a cumbersome piece of faecal material: I have taken this vileness into my body, and rather than having it fester, I aim to purge it like the pestilence that it is.

So much for the preamble; onto my objections...

Early episodes of 'The X Factor' largely consist of people being humiliated for the sake of the viewer.
Yes: probably the most popular TV show in Britain, in 2010 (the last series averaging some 13 million viewers, out of a population of 60 million people - that is: almost a quarter of people in the UK), consists in human beings having their dreams destroyed, their hearts broken, and their singing ability thoroughly mocked; they put their hearts on the line only to have them crushed - while millions laugh.

'social pariahs'

In the olden days, things like this used to mean something: they put the freak in the cage, and people used to laugh - they used to stand wild-eyed, and they'd point, and they'd laugh: both disgusted and intrigued.
...what have we become?
Do we not owe even this common courtesy to people anymore? Is 'The X Factor's' humiliation validated on the grounds that the freaks are no longer compelled through being social pariahs, and destitute, to get in the cage - that rather, they choose to be treated in this way - even going to great expense (queuing for hours on end) for the chance to be made a spectacle of?

'Why was it that they could never shout like that about anything that mattered?'
- George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four


These early 'auditions' consist of this - and also, some genuine scum of the earth: real soul-less wretches, who would know neither emotion nor intellect if it introduced itself with the aid of a children's television show (the type that repeatedly, and simplistically, explains something fundamental to human life).
The later 'rounds' see only such insincere automata - dyed-in-the-wool conformists, to be sure - vie to be the machine which receives and carries out instructions which it does not understand - either in themselves, or in context - while the 'proles' (proletariat) root for one, and against others...the competitive, destructive instinct is thus fostered, and given an outlet - one that is sanctioned not only in legal terms (by the government/law permitting this atrocious 'show'), but in social, moral ones: nobody is condemned, or told to be ashamed of this behaviour; rather, it is regarded as normal, with nearly a quarter of human beings in the State regularly choosing to participate.

In these later rounds - beginning with 'boot camp' (which one freak compared to a different type of camp: a concentration camp) - the freaks are 'eliminated' at a much lower rate; and when told they're out, the process is made as long-winded and agonising for them as possible - as a result, the viewer's pleasure is as sweet and heightened as possible...this is entertainment.


The convict (Cheryl Cole) even said, in the latest episode, 'I think she thought she was going through' after subjecting one troglodyte to this treatment, and disposing of it like a malingering turd you resent all the more for its malingering; it was in total shock...you could see the deadness in its eyes (I doubt that any viewers noticed this, as it was sincere emotion, and not a mere contrivance).

The ultimate goal, of course, of these soul-less, anencephalic animals, is to 'sing', and 'be sexy', while giving the pretense that this is sincere, and borne of an understanding of what they are doing. Not only is the message sent by what they are singing, and focus on their exterior physical appearance, abhorrent, but the tragedy is compounded by the fact that they do not understand that this is what they are doing! They regard what they are doing as worthwhile - necessary, even!
I can sympathise with a thick person whose most basic will, and impulse, is decent - they are kind, recognise their limits, and so forth - but one whose will is as vile, base, and self-serving as these vermin, I cannot accept.

'turd in the punchbowl'

A case in point is 'Cheryl Cole' - convicted violent criminal the Nation's Sweetheart. This pig - this vile wretch - this human obscenity - this turd in the punchbowl of mankind - has never done anything of note: is having no choice but to look a certain way a talent? Is that an achievement?
If so, were the racists right to marginalise those born with black skin all along?! Shouldn't white people be proud of their fantastic achievement of having the dumb fucking luck to be born with white skin?
She seems to me, so conscious of the pretense she has to contrive, that I am reminded of Winston Smith in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, where he speaks of the need to maintain a fixed expression upon the face, lest you be 'found out' for who you really are, and what you are thinking...
The most insane, maddening thing is, people have bought her pathetic, pessimistic act, and regard this violent criminal as a suitable role model for children!
How can we expect to look our children in the eye when they ask us what we did with the world, and why? Don't we owe them more than this!?!


This contrived, superficial, insincere drivel, is lapped up by The People - while sincere art, made for its own sake, due to necessity - the necessity to express yourself, and avail yourself of what you think and feel (for an excellent example of this, please watch the film The Lives of Others) - is left to languish, neglected....how can any argument be made that this is just? I defy anybody to watch 'The X Factor' (or listen to an album one of the previous 'winning' mongoloids has made), and The Lives of Others, and tell me that 'The X Factor' has contributed much more to mankind - hell: even the same.
Do The People need to have the emotional depth of a paddling pool, and an intellect lower than a snake's arse down a mineshaft, for the State to function - for those in power to retain their position?
If so, is the injustice committed by elevating these 'X Factor' imbeciles to role model status, really worth it? Is wealth and power really worth the cost of debasing mankind and existence with these worthless peons?

Perhaps it is a pessimist's - the devil's - joke: 'Look: look at mankind, God...there is no hope - whatever is good in the world is destroyed, neglected, or supported only incidentally, people not liking it for what it is, but because they see in it some superficial property that appeals to their base appetites...and you, God, made them in your own image! The small element of intellect you gave them, with which they can grasp the first principles of things, and "Play God" themselves - yes: they can approximate your power! - is insufficient, and not required for their life, which scarcely exceeds that of beasts, whose bodies they occupy.'.

Was Nietzsche right: do we need to shed the skin of mankind, that a further being can emerge - bereft of these weaknesses, embodying all that is higher in man above the other animals? I feel that such a development is a necessity - in order to save the planet, and ourselves, we must destroy ourselves: we must extinct mankind - a development that is purely social will not change the essence of man, no more than repeatedly throwing a stone into the air will make it stay there; no: we must seek to consign homo sapiens to the fossil record, that an animal whose 'base' impulses are not base at all, but noble, and progressive might emerge - the lower in this new species must be what is higher in mankind.

Give me strength...

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